Thursday, February 18, 2010

40 days of being thankful

I've been thinking about life lately and looking at all the really great things in my life. I have so much to be thankful for, but I am not the person I want to be yet. Lent has approached, and although I am not a strong Catholic, I have decided to participate in a different way than I have in the past. I would usually give up chocolate, or something else that I loved to honor how Jesus gave up His life for us. At the end of the day my sacrifice didn't make me a better person. This year my "sacrifice" will be a few moments of my time everyday to choose something in my life that I am thankful for, and then honor it.

I want each day to have a focus and in turn be positive because of the choice I made to celebrate something good. I have to admit that it has been hard to change my way of thinking so far. Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. I don't have a list pre-made, so I searched all day for something that stood out and made me feel extraordinarily blessed. I went to mass, worked, made dinner with my boyfriend, watched the Olympics and went to bed. It was a fine day, but I couldn't find that extra special "thing" that was my focus.

Today I started my day with a doctors appointment, got my eyebrows waxed and now while waiting to go into work, I search. I search for something besides the obvious blessings that are staring me in the face (don't worry, they will get their day once I'm on a roll with this) that can brighten my mood and remind me that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

I am hoping all of this will help open my eyes to the things that are truly wonderful in my life and point me in a direction for future ways to stay consistently grateful.

For now, today's reason to be thankful is the Sun. Living in Tennessee in the winter months has been a big change from Chicago. Today the sun is out and its 45 degrees. Drea and I are about to go take our sweet pups out for a walk and soak in a bit of this rare winter sunshine.