Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Super Director and The Sunshine Band

This post should have made it up awhile ago, however I have been a busy girl these last months. What with a new jobs, Kent's 40th Birthday Party, and moving, I have hardly been able to make time for fun things like this blog. This is an excerpt from an email I sent Kent's family while preparing for his 70's party.

September 28th 2010

Hello everyone. I am writing because of a situation that I experienced this weekend. On Saturday, Kent and I took a lovely walk through the woods of Radnor. It was a beautiful day, the leaves were starting to change and the breeze was perfect.

While on this walk, Kent and I talked about a variety of things. One thing we touched on was his upcoming party. However, something began to happen to Kent as I chattered on about the party...

The wind began to blow a little harder and I noticed Kent's coloring looked a little off. Right in front of me a mutation started to take place.
Before I knew it, my sweet boyfriend was gone and in his place was a entity I have only had glimpses of... however, I had heard the legends.

Super Director swept through my party plans like a wild hurricane and smashed them all into uneven piles of nonsense causing me to even question my own purpose in life. He insisted upon lists and laminated documents put into three-ring binders. He demanded updates and gave deadlines!

Once it was all over, I promised Kent and myself that I would do what I could to not anger the inner "Director" that lives inside of him. I would communicate with all involved and even allow him to be part of the party planing committee.
At the end of the day the party went on to be a great success. I think I did good. :) I will post more pictures soon.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

40 days of being thankful

I've been thinking about life lately and looking at all the really great things in my life. I have so much to be thankful for, but I am not the person I want to be yet. Lent has approached, and although I am not a strong Catholic, I have decided to participate in a different way than I have in the past. I would usually give up chocolate, or something else that I loved to honor how Jesus gave up His life for us. At the end of the day my sacrifice didn't make me a better person. This year my "sacrifice" will be a few moments of my time everyday to choose something in my life that I am thankful for, and then honor it.

I want each day to have a focus and in turn be positive because of the choice I made to celebrate something good. I have to admit that it has been hard to change my way of thinking so far. Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. I don't have a list pre-made, so I searched all day for something that stood out and made me feel extraordinarily blessed. I went to mass, worked, made dinner with my boyfriend, watched the Olympics and went to bed. It was a fine day, but I couldn't find that extra special "thing" that was my focus.

Today I started my day with a doctors appointment, got my eyebrows waxed and now while waiting to go into work, I search. I search for something besides the obvious blessings that are staring me in the face (don't worry, they will get their day once I'm on a roll with this) that can brighten my mood and remind me that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

I am hoping all of this will help open my eyes to the things that are truly wonderful in my life and point me in a direction for future ways to stay consistently grateful.

For now, today's reason to be thankful is the Sun. Living in Tennessee in the winter months has been a big change from Chicago. Today the sun is out and its 45 degrees. Drea and I are about to go take our sweet pups out for a walk and soak in a bit of this rare winter sunshine.